Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jumping up and down !

Cold air hits my face , one direction is the only place . Drama starts to unfold . I just want to go out in the cold , let the big bright star wake me up , not mom's breakfast w/ my imagination. Just a friendly walk to be told. Why is the cold such a familiar friend ,why is it that I never really had to pretend . What a place just for me , I can't believe that its just for me .

All alone , that's what it looks like , cold and lost , that's what it looks like . Come in out from the cold , here's the story many times told . I sit down and remember ,''Ahhh , that's the place that I want forever ''. I look up and move the hair out of my way ,than I see Him ,ohhh! that's forever. Picture is so very clear to me , Footprints of Jesus is where I want to be. Sands of time can you tell me how I'll measure . Is there anyone out that can tell me of the treasure? Oh so comforting and so clear. I have Him forever is that clear !

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A hidden place

A hidden place in my place in my soul , such a deeper insight to know. With every breath that you know to ,'' How to breate life so you grow''. Did you know you such a home existed , a spot you didn't know.

Where is such a direction to bring me where I have to go ? I have to go , no such a desire to go home . Oh , but a place to find greater than you could imagine ,it gives you life you've never known. This is where I want to go . Even as a child , there was no other way to go . Just to know such tenderness and forgiveness, it is a place I know , it is a way I'll always want to go. Even when you lost and you look on a map , it's the home where you will always want to go . It is the only place that I call home .

Monday, December 20, 2010

Invisible yet a living miracle

A small walk toward's rememberance makes me think back on how it was . Such tiny steps to move a little place you knew well. Such a lonely stage to recall , how afraid you were when you called to a special chamber of your heart to invite a miracle to dwell .

How amazing to smile and your soul to be filled w/ a new desire that you've never known. How funny to think about it , a new home , better than I could make like an imaginary friend . Some would look back and possibly look now and believe ,''such a poor child''. But I say to look in the mirror and at the fantasies you once created .Than to find where you started is not where you are .But to know the stepping stones you made up have all vanished away and to replace your life w/ the living is so much better than what you planned today .

Love & Peace In Christ Forever.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Letting go !

I wish to have you be free and at peace forever in His arms. I wish all your hopes and dreams for you to finally recognize a real life is found to be free in Him . I wish you wouldn't have to make so many mistakes like me . I wish you could surrender all that you have so you can no longer be held captive but you find real treasure in the Savior . I believe now that I can truly let go I will see all God will do w/ you . I wish .

For those of you who are wondering who this poem is for , '' I have to tell you it's not just for one person ''.

Goodbye Big Sis =`( !

We'll miss you , we love you , even though the visit was fast , we know we'll see you again soon . At first it was hurting to think you were leaving soon but then I realized we had to enjoy you while you here . It was a blessing to see what God has done w/ you ! Also to know what he's going to do w/ you . Were praying for you and we already miss you . Love you.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Chocolate cream pie for Thanksgiving !

Yes indeed , I did it ! MMMMMMMMMMMM! Graham cracker crust made w/ sugar and butter , delicious . Melt chocolate w/ butter , yummmm! The only complication was making the cool whip and egg whites , my arm still hurts . Just thinking about it , takes me back . The only thing is when you serve the pie , you need to serve small pieces , y it's very rich . Achievement #1 Beef bourguigon , # 2 Homeade Chocolate Cream Pie , what's next we'll see. bye .

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Anyone for chocolate cream pie ? =)

That's right I am going to try to make a chocolate cream pie for Thanksgiving ! I am picturing it to be really delicious . We shall be see . I will wake up tomorrow morning early and hopefully ask Alberto to take care of Selah while I make a chocolate cream pie . My big sister Opal , is visiting us so when I told her I was going to make Julia Child's recipe , she said , ''Go ahead ''. I know my mom and my daughter will be happy but , Peter is a different story . I don't think he'll eat it , that's o.k. , my mom bought a sweet potato pie also. So excited , ''Yes , I am''.We'll see what happens ! I'll let you know .

Friday, November 19, 2010

Yes , I made Boeuf Bourguignon !

I really did it ! It took a couple of hours and I had to make sure I had all my ingredients , it was hard because it was so specific , you have to make everything seperate. The cooking process was really interesting because you need to give attention to every part of the meal seperately but when it all comes together it was a delicious combination , I have to say I really enjoyed making it ! It was very flavorful . I learned it is important to go through the long hard process that cooks go through sometimes . I use to love cooking meal that are fast and delicious but now after making Boeuf Bourguignon, I have to say , '' It was worth it '' !

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Update on Selah =)

So , a few days ago my friends and family got together at Kouros Diner and we spent some time w/ my niece Tati and my great nephew ,Jayden . I loved seeing him. He's so cute, sweet , and cuddly. So we spent a long night together talking and catching up on what's happening ! Selah and Jayden sat next to eachother in their highchairs smiling at eachother and somehow communicating w/ eachother. We went back to our apartment and Jayden played in Selah's car while I pushed him around .He loved it ! We blew bubbles , they had a good time . Later Selah saw that Jayden was on my kitchen floor crawling not walking like her ,so she decided to crawl like Jayden , ''Jayden loved that ''! They began to smile and crawl around eachother. Anyway , the night was over we said our goodbyes . It was over. The next day I asked Selah , " Do you want baby Jayden to come over and play w....... and before I could finish my sentence , Selah quickly said ,'' NNNNNNNNNNo''! Selah doesn't want to share the spotlight .Lol =).

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

BTW A Food Critic , I'm not !

So weeks ago my hubby and I got to actually spend time alone together . My point is we ate at TGIF Fridays on a Sunday . My husband ordered '' A sizzling plate of Chicken and shrimp w/ amazing cheesy mash potatoes ''. I had '' chicken fingers , mozzarella sticks that were shaped flat and sort of square , and then I had the nerve to order fried green beans w/ a most delicious sauce !'' I 'm not really allowed to eat those things and I won't be again any time soon , I have some allergies and I also have acid reflux . So I give my dish 3 =) faces . My hubby's dish gets 4=) faces. Talk to u Later.

I'll try it !

I'm a 33 year old woman who wants to try harder to have more patience when baking and cooking dinner. So I decided to try atleast once a week , cook something that's seems very difficult. My mission is hopefully to become a better cook ! It's pretty exciting to me to think I'm going to try it ! It may be doable, despite the fact I may start babysitting my great nephew,I have a very healthy excited daughter who is teething really bad. Oh did I mention I'm trying to stay up to date w/ homeschooling my soon to be 15 year old daughter , ''Lord , please help''. =)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 11,2010

I forgot how hard it is !

I forgot how hard it is now that I'm watching my 1 year old daughter suffer like this. My daughter's name is Selah , she's 15 months old , I don't know y but everytime I ask a mom how old there baby is they say ,'' Oh , he or she is __months old''! I still don't know why people do that. I guess its proper. I don't know that much about what's proper and what 's not . I guess that's how we learn , right! Maybe because I'm not in my 20's anymore ,but when I had my first daughter , now soon to be 15 , It wasn't this hard . Sarah Richmond told me ( a friend) , '' that every baby is different ,some babies teeth worse than others ''! ''Duhm, d ,dum,dum .''Let me tell you this is the worst experience I've ever been through . Yes, I know , this too shall pass but I feel like I'm teething .=)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What's it all about ?

I look out the window and I thought , '' Why are we here ''? Is it to go shopping ? Is it to find happiness ? Is it to cry ? Is it to mourn for those you loved and lost ? A deepness of the earth shook up inside me and it got me thinking more seriously . It's not just to live a happy life ! As a believer in Christ I haven't traveled much in my life but God has given my heart places to travel in the most important ways ! I learned how sinful my heart can truly be and is and I learned how to protect it from this world that is truly falling further and further away from God's will for our lives ! Wouldn't you want someone to tell you what it really is all about God forbid before your time ran out ! If your time ran out !

Monday, November 8, 2010

Who is the Saviour ?

So many lost people in this world and so many people not realizing that their lost ! I guess my question really is , "How do you know your lost''?Now let's see, did you ever think you saved yourself all these years ? In other words , '' All your past trials or tribulations , does it seem like you were all alone in the world w/ no place to run to but yourself ''? Or have you been hiding in yourself or to somethingelse rather than looking to Jesus ? I know it seems so simple to just run to the Saviour! Maybe your thinking , '' Who is the Saviour ''? In Job 2:6 , it says ,'' And the Lord said unto Satan , Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life. A little scary to think that the Lord let Satan attack Job , alot people are scared of living a christian life because of what they know about Job ! In Genesis 2:7 It says," The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground , and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;and man became a living soul. So lately I've been thinking,'' If He made Job ofcourse He would take care of Job''! The Bible tells us that He shall supply all our needs , especially our spiritual needs! I hope its encouraging to know that ! And for others who truly don't understand I hope they will ask !

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Apple Picking and Stuff !

Weeks and weeks ago , we went apple picking w/ Ms.Agnes and her kids ! First of all , I couldn't get the picture out of my mind of Selah apple picking . Unfortunately ,my teenage daughter , Anais, wasn't really interested in going with us applepicking . Anais had to come w/ us anyway =) ! Oh the dumbest thing I did was wear boots to go applepicking , I was in pain ! Anyway without further Ado , here are the pictures.................=) !

Friday, October 22, 2010

Amethyst's Blog: Super Excited About The Library !

Amethyst's Blog: Super Excited About The Library !: "Selah's visit to the Library was more exciting for her and I than I realized ! I picked Selah up in my arms and as we walked up the stairs t..."

Super Excited About The Library !

Selah's visit to the Library was more exciting for her and I than I realized ! I picked Selah up in my arms and as we walked up the stairs to the children's library , I then realized how important this really was to her and I ! At home , I read to her the books we recieved a year and some months ago at her baby shower , but Selah has gotten tired of them to the point where she practically pushes me away and reads her books on her own . So this visit to the library was really special . Selah and I sat on a small bench and I read to her and in the middle of me reading to her she continued to pass me books to read to her . I believe she was really overwhelmed =) . Btw ofcourse we included in taking out the book , '' Brown Bear , Brown Bear , What do you see''?