Monday, November 8, 2010

Who is the Saviour ?

So many lost people in this world and so many people not realizing that their lost ! I guess my question really is , "How do you know your lost''?Now let's see, did you ever think you saved yourself all these years ? In other words , '' All your past trials or tribulations , does it seem like you were all alone in the world w/ no place to run to but yourself ''? Or have you been hiding in yourself or to somethingelse rather than looking to Jesus ? I know it seems so simple to just run to the Saviour! Maybe your thinking , '' Who is the Saviour ''? In Job 2:6 , it says ,'' And the Lord said unto Satan , Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life. A little scary to think that the Lord let Satan attack Job , alot people are scared of living a christian life because of what they know about Job ! In Genesis 2:7 It says," The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground , and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;and man became a living soul. So lately I've been thinking,'' If He made Job ofcourse He would take care of Job''! The Bible tells us that He shall supply all our needs , especially our spiritual needs! I hope its encouraging to know that ! And for others who truly don't understand I hope they will ask !

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