Thursday, October 27, 2011

Selah and fall backwards

    What a pleasant day, Selah and I had at the park. As  I watched Selah, I recalled my childhood and all the fond memories I had as a child. So I decided to get involved with Selah in playing with the leaves. What a wonderful memory I have now to keep with me always.  Do you remember really playing with the leaves when you were a child? I do. My favorite part was when I would walk on top of the crunchy leaves and waited for that sound that we all loved to hear. Crunch! Crunch! And than when you throw the leaves the fall leaves up in the air. Ahhhh! What fun we use to have; and the fun we can still have with our kids. All the things we can teach our children, and most importantly what they can teach us! Selah taught me to have fun.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Isaiah 40

The verses in Isaiah are really speaking to my heart lately. I hope the Lord will draw you closer to Him through His word. This is just what the Lord showed me in these verses, you may see something different.

vs.1 '' Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.''
vs.2 '' Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath recieved of the Lord's hand double for all her sins.''
vs.3 '' The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.''
vs.4 '' Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight , and the rough places plain.

I really believe as a christian, God is truly the only one who can comfort our hearts with a peace that can't ever be explained, not properly enough. Even sometimes even in the Bible or Hymns. I think everyone does a great job trying, but no one can truly compehend He has done and can do for us. Wow, amazing to think all Jerusalem has been through, and than to say,'' her iniquity is pardoned.'' That makes me think of my sins and how by the grace of God, '' He has forgiven me for all my sins''. How the Lord has pardoned me for, '' all my sins and for all my mistakes'', it really wipes our slates clean. Doesn't it ?

I also feel burdened that we need to , ''Prepare our way for the Lord, everyday.''How sometimes we get lost or desperate about our sin and we either let it stay there taking over our lives or our very being, just because we chose to ignore it! But what would happen if the Lord ignored us at the cross that day. Where would we be? We'd be lost in sin and condemned to live our eternity in hell. So we need to, '' Make straight a desert in the highway for our God. Awesome to say, ''Our God''. So basically I am to say is get ready for your God. God made a perfect plan for us called, Salvation and if we are already saved than He has an even sweeter plan for us now and to make our crooked ways straight and rough places plain. A straight place to walk to. By the grace of God, may we rise up the occasion and let the Lord use you and I.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Drinking @ the Fountain

Many times I believe I have failed to drink @ the fountain that was made for me as a believer to drink,where we as believers are told there are ' Springs of Living Water '. '' Springs of Living Water'', can you believe it! I am a believer and @ times I still can't wrap my mind around it !

But I do know by'' faith all things are possible''. When we truly ask for it , the Lord truly does answer . '' Seek and ye shall find , knock and it shall be opened unto you''. After all , these promises are in the 'bible'. When I think of how the enemy tries to steal our joy , our light , our walk , and let's be honest truely , '' Our own real happiness is in Christ Jesus''.

I am a very quiet person , but I like to use my voice for the Lord in anyway I can. So when we drink @ the fountain , the bible says and Jesus says , '' We can as believers drink @ the Springs of Living Water ''. And from my own experience and through seeing other believers as a testimony , I can say ,'' You can be truly satisfied w/ this 'Water'.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Less than the least of all saints !

I know I won't be able to write about Ephesians in great depth but do understand Paul , when he says in Chapter 3 : Vs.8 Unto me , who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ ; Wow i really feel like I understand Paul and where he was coming from . I realize I am a saint and I feel inspired to be a saint in anyway I can. I'm sure w/out a doubt Paul really was special , but he referred to himself said in Ephesians as ,'' less than the least of all saints .'' Paul believed he was the least , which sort made respect him more. I feel convicted to say I really am less than the least , I really am! (unlike Paul ) . But today is a new day to really become less than the least . =)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How ?

When your alone in a room and the only place you can find is on your knees.
It's hard to explain and thoughts , hopes , and dreams come to mind are about Him!

If you neglected or rejected all rescue efforts are to stand up and draw to Him, draw to Him.
Grace is a special gift given from above , thankyou Jesus , thankyou Lord for His mercy and
this grace that we love .

When your proven to be a peculiar person and no one can understand all that you've been given. You wonder y the ones who never knew you the way i do could stay away and hide from
the salvation I hold so dear . Oh how can they linger and ponder about you anymore ? Oh , how

Lord. How ?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reminiscing of Old Mill Basin and the Past! New pics inside of Selah and Anais @ the park and shopping.

I had a dentist appointment yesterday, I had to get fill in's. Oh boy , I was so hungry and I couldn't eat for 2 hours ! Anais said , '' We should take Selah to the park , not just any park , Old Mill Basin Park. It's where I use to live w/ the girls , before Selah was born and before I was married. So , here's my ode to Old Mill Basin !

As I walk down the streets of Old Mill Basin I hear the cheers coming from the highschool
and I remember walking Tati ,Nique,and Anais to 236 Public School , they were so young and innocent and sweet memories of them talking to me . Oh , how sweet . And then I wonder how
can this be , all grown up , now the small hand I'm holding in mine is Selah's face looking up @

me. Walking them to the park , go down the slide , I remember , I said , '' Take turn girls don't
fight.'' And oh how sometimes girls you would fight ! Oh and here comes the music at the park
My big sis and I planning the future for these precious girls , I hear it now , the best ice cream
in Old Mill Basin ,the girls would hope and pray they would get Mr. softee. No we can't
delay , get the ice cream for them. Wow , I love this park , the sun shining in my face , your hope
and dreams are all brand new , your young and hope for all the best for them. I remember
walking and talking w/ the girls and wondering does God want me to marry one day, and now

it's all a faded memory that happened on that day. Now the present is so fresh and new , now
knowing what God planned for me and surrender to all things new . What a wonderful day it has been , obeying what was planned for me . Now looking at my 2 girls and knowing God has alread-y worked it out for them to start a life that will bring such sweet memories .

Friday, March 11, 2011

Food , Poetry &some other stuff Blog: What's in a Pierogie ?

Food , Poetry &some other stuff Blog: What's in a Pierogie ?: "Just think of it ! A Flour mixture made of egg , butter , and lot's more inside. And then a delicious potato and cheese that actually resid..."