Thursday, February 24, 2011

I definitely need your help !

I'm going to turn 34 on April 4th , 2011 and I definitely need to change my organization skills . Why , you ask because I barely have any I know it's a shame . Right now my husband and I are on a tight budget . I'm not working , I'm homeschooling my 15 year old which takes up our whole morning and afternoon etc. I'm also raising my 18month old baby ! So , I have to be honest w/you right . I was a single mom for many years so I really had no time for learning how to get organized. Atleast , that's what I thought. When I was in my 20's I was working full time as a waitress and I attended Kingsborough College full time plus juggling teaching 2's and 3 year old's at my church . Also trying to raise my nieces Tati and Nique , who were young at the time , and trying to be there for my young daughter, Anais . I always tried to make sure I got the girls to church Wednesday nights , and I also tried to make sure we went on
Sunday's . O.k. , so I know what your thinking , How did I do all that and I'm still not organized ? Idk . I guess it was already organized for me . Anyway , any tips would be appreciated! Where to shop if your on a budget, to how to get organized at home when you don't have money to buy things to get organized w/ my closets , baby clothes (when you don't have the room ) I will continue to ask you more questions . Please let me know how I can help you. I do know about some things , too =) . My goal is to become more organized , maybe we can work this out together.

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