Monday, February 28, 2011

To be or not to become organized, that is the question?

Day 1

So I went on my notepad and I inserted the things that I need to get done today . I also typed down things that have been bothering me for a long time . Under each task I put a time to have the task finished . I'll let you know how it goes ! I really have a tight schelule for today. Just to give you an idea what's on my itinerary for today :

a) Clean church by myself early because were having dinner @ my mom's tonight.
b) make lunch.
c) Make dip to bring to my mom's ; can't wait to see Tati and Jayden tonight and Jackie and Scott.
d) Anais is still homeschooling .
e) The best part is my mom is cooking her Beef Stew and i have the night off !

We'll see if it helped.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Peace that passeth all understanding !

When I think of the pathway you will have to take all alone .
And when I see all His goodness I can't help but feel warm.
I can't see anything but the hope that I continue to believe
in. The Light in the darkness is too great not to notice.
The only True Light in the storm that lifts you up from
to look up to the heavens . It's higher and greater than anything that is below. What else is there than to know that you have a
best friend to strengthen you to get through every day. It's a day like no other once you realize your best friend is the one who created you.
It's the peace that passeth all understanding that helps you see you don't have a clue
w/ out Him.

Friday, February 25, 2011

What do I do about this ?

O.K. so here I go . As you know my mission is to really change , really get organized , right ! So here's the problem . Today I need to bake something that's really complicated , and I need to cook my Perfect Pot Roast Recipe because Alberto's dad is coming over for dinner tonight ! Here's my task to keep Selah from bothering me . Everytime I go in the kitchen to do something , A)i make a mistake or B) i burn something . For some reason Selah doesn't want me in the kitchen , she is against mommy and the kitchen. She gets very nervous and she can't be distracted very long no matter if Anais tries to distract her or if I put on Elmo or if I give her something to color w/. Nothing is working if you have any ideas please let me know . BTW Ladies , Agnes , Diane , Tati , and Michelle . Thankyou so much for the advice and the links please keep it coming ! I really want the Lord to answer this prayer of mine but I know I have to try harder .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I definitely need your help !

I'm going to turn 34 on April 4th , 2011 and I definitely need to change my organization skills . Why , you ask because I barely have any I know it's a shame . Right now my husband and I are on a tight budget . I'm not working , I'm homeschooling my 15 year old which takes up our whole morning and afternoon etc. I'm also raising my 18month old baby ! So , I have to be honest w/you right . I was a single mom for many years so I really had no time for learning how to get organized. Atleast , that's what I thought. When I was in my 20's I was working full time as a waitress and I attended Kingsborough College full time plus juggling teaching 2's and 3 year old's at my church . Also trying to raise my nieces Tati and Nique , who were young at the time , and trying to be there for my young daughter, Anais . I always tried to make sure I got the girls to church Wednesday nights , and I also tried to make sure we went on
Sunday's . O.k. , so I know what your thinking , How did I do all that and I'm still not organized ? Idk . I guess it was already organized for me . Anyway , any tips would be appreciated! Where to shop if your on a budget, to how to get organized at home when you don't have money to buy things to get organized w/ my closets , baby clothes (when you don't have the room ) I will continue to ask you more questions . Please let me know how I can help you. I do know about some things , too =) . My goal is to become more organized , maybe we can work this out together.