Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jumping up and down !

Cold air hits my face , one direction is the only place . Drama starts to unfold . I just want to go out in the cold , let the big bright star wake me up , not mom's breakfast w/ my imagination. Just a friendly walk to be told. Why is the cold such a familiar friend ,why is it that I never really had to pretend . What a place just for me , I can't believe that its just for me .

All alone , that's what it looks like , cold and lost , that's what it looks like . Come in out from the cold , here's the story many times told . I sit down and remember ,''Ahhh , that's the place that I want forever ''. I look up and move the hair out of my way ,than I see Him ,ohhh! that's forever. Picture is so very clear to me , Footprints of Jesus is where I want to be. Sands of time can you tell me how I'll measure . Is there anyone out that can tell me of the treasure? Oh so comforting and so clear. I have Him forever is that clear !

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A hidden place

A hidden place in my place in my soul , such a deeper insight to know. With every breath that you know to ,'' How to breate life so you grow''. Did you know you such a home existed , a spot you didn't know.

Where is such a direction to bring me where I have to go ? I have to go , no such a desire to go home . Oh , but a place to find greater than you could imagine ,it gives you life you've never known. This is where I want to go . Even as a child , there was no other way to go . Just to know such tenderness and forgiveness, it is a place I know , it is a way I'll always want to go. Even when you lost and you look on a map , it's the home where you will always want to go . It is the only place that I call home .

Monday, December 20, 2010

Invisible yet a living miracle

A small walk toward's rememberance makes me think back on how it was . Such tiny steps to move a little place you knew well. Such a lonely stage to recall , how afraid you were when you called to a special chamber of your heart to invite a miracle to dwell .

How amazing to smile and your soul to be filled w/ a new desire that you've never known. How funny to think about it , a new home , better than I could make like an imaginary friend . Some would look back and possibly look now and believe ,''such a poor child''. But I say to look in the mirror and at the fantasies you once created .Than to find where you started is not where you are .But to know the stepping stones you made up have all vanished away and to replace your life w/ the living is so much better than what you planned today .

Love & Peace In Christ Forever.